Oneness with animals

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Welcome to KAHU

At KAHU, we firmly believe that every pet owner should experience the transformative power of our services.
By booking a session with us, you are providing your beloved companion with an opportunity for growth, healing, and overall well-being. 

Animals we have helped in 2023

Body Talk

Supports the resynchronization of the animal's internal systems

Animal Communication

Providing intuitive insights to assist in any way needed

Emotional Release

Powerful tool for finding and releasing negative energy

Energetic Remedies

Restorative therapies bringing balance to your pets life

pendulum KAHU Graphics for web (1)
Pendulum Healing

Spiritual & physical healing by locating blocks in your pet's energy

Crystal Healing

Gemstone healing that will bring balance to your pet's life

CHakras Bunny
Chakra Balancing

Promoting holistic well-being and balance 

Monthly Management

Let your pet benefit from regular sessions with us

We Love Animals
Putting your pets first

At Kahu, we prioritize your pets’ needs above all else when you sign up for our services.

Quality Services

Taking pride in customer satisfaction, Kahu offers quality services you can trust and prices you can afford.

Emergency Support

If there is ever an emergency situation with your pets the Kahu team are ready to assist and support.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
What is BodyTalk for animals?

BodyTalk is a consciousness based therapy that reconnects broken lines of communication within the animal’s body. These communication breakdowns can happen when they are sick or recovering from illness, but can also be caused by multiple external factors. It’s completely safe, non-invasive and has no side effects which means it’s suitable for all animals. 

How long do appointments last?
BodyTalk sessions for Animals can last anything up to an hour but may also extend longer. The length of a session is not indicative of the quality of the session or the results that occur; as even the simplest sessions can be quite profound. The bodymind knows just how many changes and corrections it is ready to initiate in any given session. 

How many sessions will my pet need?
The BodyTalk System does not prescribe a set number of sessions, however, usually 2-3 sessions are recommended initially. Occasional ‘top ups’ are also recommended, to help maintain the health and wellbeing of the animal. At the end of the session, the animal’s body will be consulted and asked when, ideally, the next session should be. It is entirely up to you if and when you would like another session.
How does a distance BodyTalk session work ?
BodyTalk sessions are generally conducted remotely over the phone, with the owner or caretaker of the animal, or in a distance session whereby the session is conducted without the owner present and feedback is given at the end of the session. When a session is done remotely, it is not imperative that you be physically present i.e on a call for the session, however, questions may arise whereby I may need some guidance or input, so it is always more beneficial if you are reachable via whatsapp during the appointment and in an environment free of distractions
Does my pet need to be present for the session ?
No, Each animal is unique in how they react to sessions, so It is best to allow them to do whatever is comfortable for them. Some might stay nearby during the session, while others go on with their daily routines or even sleep right through it. They will often display signs of processing by licking, chewing, yawning, going to the “bathroom” and shaking. These are all completely normal.
What are energetic remedies?
All the remedies used in our session are digital or vibrational remedies. Being digital the remedies are very precise and work quickly. To give you an example of these types of remedies that you might know, they include energy remedies, flower essences (like bach flowers & bush flower essences) and gem essences. The remedies are vibrational and the photo you send us for testing is a vibrational representation of you. Using a radionics instrument, we can transfer the remedy directly from the machine to you via a photo.

 Advantages of vibrational remedies:
* No need to remember to administer to your pet
 * No need to worry about fussy pets
 *No known side effects
 * Treat when an animal is not accessible to treat ie. when contained in a vet hospital or clinic, when at a kennel, cattery or similar, stock animals in the paddock, etc 
* Starts clearing issues immediately
 * Fast and effective
How can Animal Communication help my pets?
* Clarifying confusing or unknown behaviours and coming up with possible solutions
* Better communication between animal and owner
* Energy clearing & Chakra Alignment
* Deepen the connection, love, affection and energy surrounds your pet family
* Creates stronger feelings of security - especially for rescued & feral pets
* Keep pets more comfortable through pet health crisis & serious pet illnesses
* Diet & Nutrition - You have a picky eater, or your pet has gone off their food
 * Prepare animals for major changes occurring in your home and family
* Assists with trauma, fear and anxiety
 * Environmental “Why is my cat not using the litterbox? The veterinarian has said nothing is physically wrong." “Does my horse feel that his saddle and bit fit properly? Is there any discomfort?" 
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